A gift in your Will to the Sydney High School Foundation provides an opportunity for you to leave behind an enduring contribution to education. For the alumni of the school, a bequest to the Sydney High School Foundation is a means to contribute to the future of the school.

A bequest in your Will, no matter how big or small, will be received gratefully by the Sydney High School Foundation to continue its charitable purpose of promoting and advancing the education of students enrolled at Sydney Boys High School.



There are different ways to leave a bequest in your Will to the Sydney High School Foundation, including:

  • a specific gift – you can give a fixed amount of money, or a specific asset such as shares or real property
  • a percentage of your estate – you can leave your entire estate or a percentage of your estate
  • the residue of your estate – you can leave what is left of your estate after providing specific gifts to family and other beneficiaries

 Any bequest or gift should be made to: Sydney High School Foundation Limited ABN 62 078 650 439


Suggested Bequest Wording

A Will is a legal document and you should seek the advice of a qualified solicitor when preparing or altering your will.

Below is the suggested wording for a bequest:

I give [insert gift] to Sydney High School Foundation Limited ABN 62 078 650 439, free from all duties, taxes or expenses of whatever kind, for its general purposes. I declare that the receipt of the treasurer, secretary or public officer for the time being of Sydney High School Foundation ABN 62 078 650 439 is full and sufficient discharge to my executor(s) and trustee(s).”

The information provided above is not to be taken as legal, tax or financial advice.


Contact Us 

If you have more specific requirements for any proposed bequest, please contact the Sydney High Foundation office:

Email: enquiries@shsfoundation.org.au

Ph: 0435 355 238

If you have already included the Sydney High School Foundation in your will or intend to do, please let us know so we may show our appreciation to you. This will also assist us in planning for the future of the Sydney High School Foundation.